Source code for mypythontools.types.type_hints_internal

"""Module with functions for 'type_hints' subpackage."""

from __future__ import annotations
import sys

# Import can be used in eval
from typing import (
    get_type_hints as get_type_hints_imported,
)  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from typing_extensions import Literal

[docs]def get_type_hints(*args, **kwargs): if sys.version_info.minor >= 9: return get_type_hints_imported(*args, **kwargs) else: return {}
[docs]def get_return_type_hints(func: Callable) -> Any: """Return function return types. Note: This is not working on older versions that 3.9. It will not raise, but return None. If you need it on 3.7, you can use `get_return_type_hints_evaluated`. Args: func (Callable): Function with type hints. Returns: Any: Type of return. E.g. <class 'tuple'> or typing_extensions.Literal['int', 'float']. Example: >>> # You can use Union as well as Literal >>> def union_return() -> int | float: ... return 1 >>> inferred_type = get_return_type_hints(union_return) >>> 'int' in str(inferred_type) and 'float' in str(inferred_type) # doctest: +3.9 True >>> def literal_return() -> Literal[1, 2, 3]: ... return 1 >>> inferred_type = get_return_type_hints(literal_return) >>> 'Literal' in str(inferred_type) # doctest: +3.9 True """ if isinstance(func, staticmethod): func = func.__func__ try: types = get_type_hints(func).get("return") except Exception: types = func.__annotations__.get("return") return types
def get_return_type_hints_evaluated(func: Callable) -> Any: """Return function return types on old versions of python (3.7). This is because `get_type_hints` result in error for some types in older versions of python and also that `__annotations__` contains only string, not types and it needs to be parsed. If there is some imported type used in function, it should be correctly evaluated even if not imported in module where type is inferred. Note: Sometimes it may use eval as literal_eval cannot use users globals so types like pd.DataFrame would fail. !!! Therefore do not use it for evaluating types of users input for sake of security !!! Args: func (Callable): Function with type hints. Returns: Any: Type of return. E.g. <class 'tuple'> or typing_extensions.Literal['int', 'float']. Example: >>> # You can use Union as well as Literal >>> def union_return() -> int | float: ... return 1 >>> inferred_type = get_return_type_hints_evaluated(union_return) >>> 'int' in str(inferred_type) and 'float' in str(inferred_type) True >>> def literal_return() -> Literal[1, 2, 3]: ... return 1 >>> inferred_type = get_return_type_hints_evaluated(literal_return) >>> 'Literal' in str(inferred_type) True >>> import tabulate >>> def imported_type() -> tabulate.TableFormat: ... return tabulate.TableFormat() >>> inferred_type = get_return_type_hints_evaluated(imported_type) >>> inferred_type["return"] == tabulate.TableFormat True """ try: types = get_type_hints_imported(func) except TypeError: types = func.__annotations__ if isinstance(types, str) and "Union" in types: types = eval(types, func.__globals__) # If Union operator |, e.g. int | str - get_type_hints() result in TypeError # Convert it to Union elif isinstance(types, str) and "|" in types: str_types = [i.strip() for i in types.split("|")] for i, j in enumerate(str_types): for k in ["list", "dict", "tuple"]: if k in j: str_types[i] = j.replace(k, k.capitalize()) try: evaluated_types = [eval(i, {**globals(), **func.__globals__}) for i in str_types] except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Evaluating of function return type failed. Try it on python 3.9+.") types = Union[evaluated_types[0], evaluated_types[1]] # type: ignore if len(evaluated_types) > 2: for i in evaluated_types[2:]: types = Union[types, i] return types